Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Analysis of the Solitary Reaper

Analysis of the Solitary Reaper As an introduction to the book, Wordsworth catches the readers’ attention by pointing to a beautiful girl working alone in the field reaping and singing by herself. The girl does not want to be interrupted and alludes to the valley being full of songs.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Analysis of the Solitary Reaper specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The first stanza of the song heaps a lot of praises on the girl’s beauty and the extent of loneliness she is in. The speaker is not able to comprehend the words of the song that the girl is singing, but only guesses what she could be singing about. The numbers in the third stanza may be flowing, but for the old and unhappy people this could be far-off things and battles that were fought in earlier years. The reader is not sure whether the song is a more humble lay characteristic of today’s life, and wonders whether the song would be a manifestation of a natural sorrow, loss, or pain that occurred and has chances of recurring. The song that the maiden was singing remained in the speaker’s heart as he climbed up the hill despite the fact that he did not understand what she was singing. It is difficult to understand whatever it was that stayed in the heart of the speaker if he could not understand the actual song. Could be there is something that attracted the speaker other than the song? Probably the maiden’s voice. What else could have made him motionless and still if he could not articulate the words that were used in the song? The song remained in his heart until he went up in the hills, where he could hear of it no more. The Solitary Reaper has four stanzas that are arranged into eight lines each, bringing the total number of lines to thirty-two. Its rhyme scheme alternates between abcbdde and ababccdd. The opening and the closing stanzas do not rhyme, in contrast, the other two stanzas, that is, the second and thi rd, have a matching rhyme scheme.Advertising Looking for essay on british literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Most of Wordsmith’s works are influenced by the experience that he had gone through. However, Solitary Reaper is unique in the sense that Wordsmith writes about one Thomas Wilkinson’s Tour to the British Mountains as evidenced in the books passage that talks about passing a female who was reaping alone while singing in Erse. The poem is so intriguing because the speaker barely understands what the woman is singing about, and relies heavily on imagination. He harbors a feeling that the lady may be singing about history. When the speaker talks about carrying the music of the young lady into his heart, attention is drawn to typical Wordsmith poetry that is underlined by heavy romantic undertones. No wonder the speaker finds it strange that the young lady reaps and sings by herself (James, p p. 68). The poet warns anybody passing the solitary lady who is reaping to avoid disturbing her, but either to ‘stop here’ or pass gently. Her sound is beautiful and overflows through the valley. Her sound is received more than the nightingale tune to worn out travelers in the desert. The poet says that her voice is so thrilling and by any standards, cannot be matched with that of the cuckoo-bird. Impatience prompts the poet to ask whatever the young lady could be singing about. Wordsworth testified that most of his work was inclined observation of nature and hearing of music. However, this specific piece is all about human music encountered in a lovely rustic scenery. He appreciates the tone of the song, its beauty, and the kind of mood the song creates in him. Not so much credence is given to the songs explicit content, which the speaker simply guesses. Despite the limitation of language exhibited in stanza three, the poet still marvels at the beauty of the music, the fluid expressive beauty. Wordsmith is so tactical in the way he places praise and beauty in a natural setting. The source of this beauty is a simple rustic girl.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Analysis of the Solitary Reaper specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This puts this artistic piece on a Lyrical Ballad’s pedestal. The language of the piece is unforced and natural and its structure simple. The first stanzas sets the stage for the rest of the lines while the second stanza highlights comparisons between the two birds, the third stanzas tries to interrogate the content of the songs, and finally, the fourth stanza talks about the effects of the song on the speaker. The final two lines of the Solitary Reaper focus on the theme of memory and the soothing effects of memories on someone’s thoughts and feelings. State of solitude is very important as it makes one’s soul to concentrate on his/ her el ementary feelings. The young lady is said to be single, solitary and all by herself. From the notes, the speaker is in a position to detect the emotional impact of the music the lonely girl sings. The notes of the song are welcome to the speaker (James, pp. 68). James, G. Ingli. Wordsworth’s Solitary Reaper. Essaya in Criticism, Volume 15, Issue 1, 1965. Pp. 65-76. Wordsworth, William. Solitary Reaper. New York: Amazon, 1805. Print.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Contemporary Examples of Fascist Thoughts

Contemporary Examples of Fascist Thoughts Introduction Fascism by definition refers to a philosophy which seeks to ensure that the interests of the society always supersede those of the individual. The ideology of fascism advocates for a state that is ruled by a single party which is meant to mobilise people through all means acceptable and unacceptable to ensure that the roots of the society are not drained.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Contemporary Examples of Fascist Thoughts specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More While fascism is rooted from socialism, the approach taken is one of capitalism where force and violence is used to achieve what is targeted. Fascism must be distinguished from socialism whereby socialism was seeking total control of all the processes of economy in the society by ensuring that production is state controlled (Trotsky 340). Fascism on the other hand has always taken control though indirectly by ensuring that private owners dominate t he processes of economy in the country. While fascism is concept that came to be many years ago, there seem to be merging modern examples of fascist thought. This discussion looks at some of the contemporary examples of fascist thoughts and also the limits and freedoms of such expressions. Nazi Germany Though it happened many years ago Nazi Germany is a perfect example of fascism (Griffiths 145). While the interests of the people were always kept first, the manner in which these interests were achieved was quite wanting especially because there was a lot of violence and force that was applied. During the time of Hitler, power was acquired gradually without the need for an uprising or protests and this is what makes fascism dangerous. In modern day, a perfect example of fascism would be leftism or what has come to be known as left wing politics. This is where change that is social in nature is advocated for with the aim of coming up with a society that is egalitarian. Leftism, pretty much like fascism is driven by emotions which were negative like anger, range and violence and all these negative emotions are directed to the status quo (Mosse 354). Modern fascism like leftism is geared towards changing the status quo or the position held by conservatists. It is the manner in which leftist apply their ideology that is questionable (Mussolini 76). Al Qaeda Looking at the Al Qaeda group which was pioneered by their fallen hero Osama Bin Laden may also reveal traits of modern fascism. Osama had a good cause for which he was fighting for and this was the protection of Islamic rights. However, it is the manner in which he carried out his mission that was wanting. He used terrorist’s attacks which led to the death of many people and led to the destruction of property. Modern day fascism is frowned upon leading to modern day fascists changing their tactics and strategy.Advertising Looking for essay on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Conclusion Fascist’s expressions have their limits in that they tend to curtain the general freedom of the people by sort of dictating to the people what they ought to and how they ought to behave (Breuilly 97). These expressions however have their fair share of freedom in that the person leading such movements is always a charismatic leader one who is liked by the people he is representing. Fascism therefore is a double edged sword which can hurt either way or be beneficial in both ways. How effective this ideology is in a society will be highly dependent on how it is implemented. Breuilly, John. Nationalism and the State. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1993. Print Griffiths, Richard. Fascism. New York: Continuum International Publishing Group, 2005. Print Mosse, George. International Fascism : New Thoughts and New Approaches. Michigan: Sage Publications, 1979. Print Mussolini, Benito. Fascism: Doctrine and Institutions. Michigan: Ardita, 1935. Print Trotsky, Leon. Fascism: What it is and How to Fight It. London: Resistance Books. 1999. PrintAdvertising We will write a custom essay sample on Contemporary Examples of Fascist Thoughts specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Database management systems Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Database management systems - Research Paper Example Organizing and maintaining such enormous amount of data in only papers is almost impossible. If back up is not maintained properly, the business might lose critical information which could lead to losses. Thus, the migration of existing and current data to cloud based platform will require well defined architecture as well as strategies. The cloud database model should have specific objectives in line with policies of the organization. The model should also include sufficient security, encryption, and control over information which will be transferred. The biggest challenge lies in maintaining the balance between speed of data transfer, cost of data transfer, data accuracy and consistency. If all these aspects of cloud database management are not ensured then the consequences could be data loss, wrong location data placement or data alteration during transfer process. Even though cloud based computing platforms are becoming popular, especially for e-business and MNCs, due to cost eff iciency, there are issues related to data safety, speed and security. The objective of this paper is to critically analyze the cloud database by pointing out disadvantages of cloud data. Introduction and Background of the Research The cloud computing technology has been receiving significant attention in the market lately. For many sectors and companies in various industries, cloud is not just an umbrella for marketing but a consolidated technology that offers grid computing, SAAS (software as a service), distributed computing, and so on. There are many companies that offer cloud services including Amazon RDS and Microsoft SQL Azure. A cloud database is basically a database management system that runs on cloud computing platform (Curino, pp.1-2). Some of the cloud computing platforms are Go Grid, Amazon EC2, and Rack space. (Source: Curino and, n.d, p.2) The main vision on the basis of which cloud computing was developed is based on certain key features that cloud database is expected to perform. Some of the important features that was kept in mind while creating cloud data platform were data storage, processing, software installation, software delivery from local servers and desktops across various networks. The key concept was that the target users must get access to remote data from anywhere at any time without requiring to carry a hard drive or other storage device. The concept was created to free big corporations from generating own power and capital investment. Thus, the most important candidate of cloud computing is the database management applications. The main reason behind this is that large corporations spend huge sum of money to safely manage enterprise data which involves upfront investment in both hardware and patented software services. The advantage that the different enterprises would get from cloud computing is that they could reduce their annual data management cost significant with the help cloud database. By using cloud data the comp anies will not have to install, own and maintain dedicated expensive software packages. The reason is that cloud computing service providers or vendors provide their customers with virtual machines or platforms from where the customer will be able to install and manage software services without having to own and store a version in their